I chose this bag to hold an emergency kit for the car. I have a WEATHERHANDLER for basic breakdown stuff, but felt I might need a little more if I end up stranded for a couple of days or hiking home for some reason. Since it will be sitting in my trunk most of the time, this inexpensive pack seems a good choice.
It's a pretty simple bag. There's a large main compartment, a small front compartment with three internal pockets, and a pouch for a water bottle on the side (see customer images). The main compartment will easily hold a fleece sleeping bag, a 1-man backpacking tent, and probably a change of clothes if you pack them flat. I can get a heavy poncho, several tools, and a shaving kit in the front compartment without too much trouble. The bottle pouch works, but is kind of short and you have to keep an eye on it if you have a tall bottle. The pack is pretty comfortable for the price.
While this bag is reasonably well designed, it is not particularly well constructed. I don't expect it to fall apart on a two-day walk along a road, but I wouldn't rely on it on a rough hike through the forest. I could probably tear the straps off bare-handed if I made an effort, the zippers are marginal, and the material of the pack itself is lightweight. I actually bought a pack at a local bargain store for $5 that was somewhat smaller and less comfortable, but much more durable.
For a get home bag that might see light to moderate use after sitting in my trunk for a year, this Fieldline is perfectly adequate.$10 at walmart. fits some stuff. great for a school pack. not exactly great for hunting in it tears easily took it out once and the bottom blew out (probably because I had like 60 pounds of logging chains in it).
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