The only problem with this bag is the seller. While checking out, I selected 1-3 day service to ship and paid the extra money for shipping (since they are not fulfilled by Amazon). As usual, they send you a notice after buying the item that they can take up to a week to deliver the item even after selecting 1-3 day shipping because of "handling time." It ended up taking 6 days for my bag to arrive and those people looking to buy from this seller should know about it.
Final verdict: Great bag, buy it from someone else.I bought this backpack to replace my wornout Eastport Classic. I couldn't find the Eastport classic anywhere and had a hard time finding one like it. This one is close but doesn't have quite the capacity and not as many smaller side pockets. It seems durable (more so than my old one)and looks good too. I think for the price, I got a good backpack. After having this bag for abput 8 months now, it is very durable. I use it all the time and it gets some rough treatment. I still wish I had a little more capacity and the extra side pockets, but I am very satified with this bag!
Buy High Sierra Rouser5 Backpack Now
I love this bag. I haven't traveled with it yet, but I have packed things in it and it fits quit a bit. This brand really impressed me. I owned a previous bag that lasted me 9 years before it started tearing. It has been with me through thick and thin and it was hard to depart with it. This new bag arrived and welcomed it. I knew it was going to be with me for quite a while.My daughter needed a back pack for school to hold all her books, ski pants, hats, extra shoes and this fit the bill and the quality is great!!Great product! Very well made, with several compartments. Purchased for a college student, should work out great. Included space for a labtop.
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